
February 23, 2014

AH-Mazing Gluten Free Chick-Fil-A Nuggets

This year my biggest goal is to get my family healthy. It is something I have avoided most of my married life because it seemed like such a daunting task and I had no idea where to start. Plus I love food and was not interested in "dieting" or giving up the things I love to eat. It was just easier to be ignorant and eat whatever I wanted.
But in the last few months I have become more and more aware of all the crap going on in this country when it comes to food and I realized that I could no longer be ignorant. It was crucial to health of my family that I get educated and make some changes. So I bought a book (pretty much where I start with everything!) called the Perfect Health Diet on Amazon that was highly recommended. I had never heard of Paleo eating before, but the book said it was based on how humans are "suppose" to eat based on a ton of research. I made a commitment to read the book and follow whatever it said to do to get us on the path to a healthier lifestyle.
The book was eye-opening and life-changing to say the least! Pretty much everything I thought I knew about eating healthy and being healthy was thrown out the window. But I trust the authors because they spent years doing research and testing it all out on themselves first.
We made the change about 6 weeks ago and haven't looked back. I was scared at first and it was a daunting task to go from eating so much packaged convenience food to preparing everything pretty much from scratch and eating a TON more fruits and veggies. I went from cooking 4 or 5 times a week to cooking at least one meal every single day, usually more (versus having cereal for breakfast, mac n cheese for lunch, and pizza for dinner).
A lot of people have asked me about recipes and resources and have expressed interest in what we are doing. One of my sisters has even started to make the change with her own family as well. Obviously I'm no expert, and if you are thinking of making the switch to a healthy whole food/paleo lifestyle I highly recommend you read the Perfect Health Diet (and any other good books you find on the subject). But I want to share some of the recipes we have tried and loved and some awesome resources I have found.
The other night I made these gluten free Chick-Fil-A style chicken nuggets and thought I had died and gone to heaven, they seriously hit the spot!

(image from The Domestic Man blog)

One thing I was worried about when I started this was that I wouldn't get to eat "good" food anymore, I thought I miss all my junk food. But seriously, I don't at all! And I am SO DANG GRATEFUL for Pinterest and the internet in general, it has seriously carried me these last 6 weeks. One blog in particular is my absolute favorite and I make his recipes all the time: The Domestic Man.
Even if you aren't doing a "special" diet, you need to make some of his food, so good and you cannot tell that it's Paleo or Gluten free or "healthy" at all because it tastes delicious, all of it. The nuggets recipe was actually his originally, I just happened to find it through the other blog.
I'm pretty proud of us, we made a commitment and we are sticking to it really well. We definitely are not perfect, but we are making huge progress toward getting our family healthy and setting our kids up for success later in life. I think that's what I am most excited about, they aren't going to have to make a big lifestyle eating change when they are older like we are, because I am teaching them now and getting them used to it. And they are doing AWESOME.
Today Regan asked if she could have a carrot without ranch. We have some homemade ranch, she didn't want it, just the carrot. Seriously I asked Matt if hell had frozen over because that is SO unlike our picky girl!
It's fun, and I feel so empowered now that I have the knowledge to make healthy choices for my family rather than staying in the dark and playing the ignorance card. I am taking control and boycotting the garbage the food industry has been feeding us! And it's pretty great :)

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