
January 11, 2013


I have been trying to think of ways to make this blog a little more interesting, or at least ideas for posts so I can post more often and keep loved ones feeling like they are able to see the girls grow up even though they are far away. One of my absolute favorite blogs is by a Catholic woman who's husband is a resident on his way to becoming an OBGYN. She has 3 kids, the last two are very close in age to Alexis and the soon-to-be baby boy so I can relate to her on that front. She has a very funny writing style and a way of telling about her everyday life as a stay-at-home mom that is just so entertaining. Granted, her kids are a lot crazier and more mischievous than mine so she has plenty of crazy stories to tell. But I really admire her ability to post so frequently about her kids and document the funny and crazy things they do. I want to be able to do the same; I want to be able to remember the cute and funny and sometimes crazy things that my kids do and the best way to do that is to write it down! And while I am writing it down I may as well share it with others who love them and would love to hear about what they are up to. So today I will start with Regan and the funny things she says.
Regan started talking right around two, just took off and hasn't stopped since. But it has only been in the last 4 months or so that she has really started talking and not just repeating what she hears others say. She has quite the imagination and loves to laugh, so she loves saying things that will make us laugh and she is pretty good at it! Lately she has a weird obsession with boobs. Yes, I'm a little embarrassed by it. I have no idea what or who got her so interested in them. But a few months ago when we were still living with my sister she randomly asked her dad, "do I have boobs?" She was being completely serious, she really wanted to know. He was very caught off guard and told her to ask her mother, who was in the corner trying to hold in the laughs! I think she noticed how funny her question was and that probably just added fuel to the fire. She now will say or ask random things about boobs every now and then. I already shared the story about her asking about my boobs in the middle of sacrament on Facebook so I won't repeat it here. But last night she gave us another little gem to share. I was cutting the pizza I had bought slaved over and I'm pretty pregnant, so my body was shaking a little with the motion (yes, picture that and try not to laugh!) and Regan starts laughing. I turn around to see what is so funny and she says "Mommy that's so funny when you shake your boobs!" and then she did a little shimmy to show me what I looked like! I couldn't believe what I had just heard and I had to leave the room so she wouldn't see me laugh. Of course she followed me and I think probably wanted to see if I was going to tell Matt what she had said. She knew she had said something pretty funny and she was really proud of herself. I try to tell her that it's not appropriate, but let's face it, she's only two and doesn't know or care what inappropriate means. I am just worried about how she will start behaving when the little man is born and I am nursing him, she will be talking about boobs non stop!
Unfortunately I haven't been writing them down and can't remember anything else. But I will be sure to be more diligent about writing down what Regan says and will do a post of Reganisms every now and then. I know you are excited!

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