
November 25, 2012

Pregnancy Update

I know I said I was going to be better about doing preggo updates, but being busy and without internet makes it hard! But don't worry, I have been taking pictures! Pictures from the last however long since the last update...

26 weeks

28 weeks

30 weeks

We are still set on waiting to pick a name until we meet the little man, but there are some new names on the list (for me anyway). My top picks are Benjamin, Bennett, Brady, and Dylan. I don't know why but I really love the "B" names for some reason and we are not as determined to have an Irish name but are still planning to use Michael for his middle name. Baby boy's stats according to
Length: about 15.7 inches 
Weight: almost 3 pounds
Developments this week: eyesight is improving and baby can now distinguish between light and dark

On Tuesday I have my first appointment with one of the midwives who will hopefully be delivering this baby. We were planning to have the baby at a free-standing birth center with midwives but as I was signing all the papers they sent me I got a really bad feeling about it. I don't know why it wasn't right but I am grateful that I listened to the warnings of the Spirit and I know we will be blessed because of it. I have mixed feelings about delivering at a hospital. I had both of the girls in a hospital in Maine, but back there the midwives and hospital were very laid back and were willing to let me have the birth I wanted, even letting me give birth in water. They were also very pro-breastfeeding and it was standard practice for them to place baby directly onto mom's chest after birth and let them stay that way as long as mom wanted and baby stayed with mom the entire stay except for shots, they didn't even have a nursery. Here things are a little different. There are different rooms for labor and recovery, no one will let you deliver in the water (except the birth center that we were looking at) although some will let you labor in the water, they do have a nursery and as for placing baby directly on mom after birth I am not sure. I am sure they will do it if I make it clear that it's really important. I really hope that they also leave me alone during labor so I can let my body do it's job. To say the least, I am nervous and anxious about it but I really hope that my fears will be calmed after I meet with the midwife on Tuesday. And I keep trying to remind myself that as long as he gets here safely the rest I can live with if it doesn't go exactly my way. 

With less than 10 weeks to go I am also started to get a lot more nervous about having 3 under 3, especially since we can't afford for Matt to just go to school these next two semesters, he will need to have a job as well. I just keep waiting for Alexis to change, to grow up just a little bit so she isn't such a baby but it isn't happening and I am realizing that at barely 15 months she will still be a baby and very dependent. I also have a strong feeling that she is going to be very jealous of her baby brother. Plus Regan is a challenge all her own and of course a newborn is exhausting and hard without 2 older siblings to worry about. It is going to be hard but I know now that I have no idea how hard it is going to be and there is no way to really prepare myself. I am lucky to have an amazing husband to share at least a tiny bit of the burden with and my sisters and mother-in-law have all promised to come help out in the weeks after his arrival. And I am of course excited and happy about having a brand new baby boy to love and care for. I really do love the newborn stage and I am so excited to add a boy into the mix. Needless to say I am on an emotional roller coaster most days, but what pregnant woman isn't?? One more thing, for those planning to send us a gift, we are drowning in newborn size clothes!! So if you are planning to send clothes we need size 3 months and bigger :) I love you all, thank you for reading my blog and caring about our family, you are the best!!! 

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