
March 25, 2012

My first ever product review - Trend Lab Cloth Diaper Review

So I gave up on making my own cloth diapers, too time consuming for someone who has no clue what they are doing. But I did not give up on cloth diapering all together. I still think it is more economical, better for the environment, better for baby's bum and they are way cuter than disposables. The reason I decided to try Trend Lab cloth diapers (since I had never heard of them before) was because they were on sale on for $9.99 a diaper, which, if you have looked into cloth diapers at all you will know that is a really good deal. I ended up spending about $155 (including shipping) and I got 13 diapers and 21 snap-in liners. I know I don't get a ton of readers, this blog is mostly for family and friends, but I want to review these diapers because I was only able to find one real review on them when I Googled it (which was a good enough review for me to take the risk) so I am hoping that this post will come up when other people Google these diapers.
Some things I was excited about before I even got the diapers:
The colors, of course!
The gender-specific liners - the girl liners have more padding in the middle, the boy liners have more up front. Then they have gender-neutral liners which have equal padding everywhere.

The sides of the liners have elastic to help contain messes, some people even said you don't have to change the whole diaper every time because of this feature.
One-size fits most - three rows of snaps to adjust the height and cross-over snaps to get a snug fit.
Nice fabrics that wick moisture away from baby's skin and that are soft and comfortable.
I really had high hopes that the diapers would contain messes way better than our disposables were.

I have used the diapers now for 3 whole days. So far I love them. They have met my expectations and in some ways exceeded them. Alexis has a skinny waist and skinny legs but I am able to get a pretty good fit using the snaps, but I do have to cross over the snaps in the front. I am not sure how small of a baby they are suppose to fit, but I don't think they would fit a newborn. Alexis is 5 months old and weighs about 12 pounds, so I think if we had started using cloth when she was born the Trend Lab diapers would not have fit her for a little while.

I like to use the gender-neutral liners during the day because they aren't as thick, the girl liners are better for night time when she is wearing the diaper for a longer period of time. She has yet to have a blow-out that got on her clothes (hallelujah!) but there have been a couple of times that she got her pants or onesie wet, which could easily be because I didn't make sure the diaper was on right but I don't know. The first day I tried just replacing the liner when she only peed but most of the time I end up changing the whole diaper because the top of the shell that is against her belly will be wet. As far as I can tell the diapers are comfortable, I haven't noticed too many red marks on her skin, even after she has worn a diaper for half the night. one thing I was really happy about was that the diapers came out as white and clean as new, I thought for sure there would be some stains. I don't know if this is true for all cloth diapers or if Tide just works really well, but I am glad! The diapers looked a lot more trim in pictures than they really are, they are pretty bulky but I don't think you can avoid bulkiness with a one-size cloth diaper.

Overall I am really pleased with these diapers. They were a great deal and have passed my test and met my expectations. I definitely recommend them to anyone wanting to try cloth diapers!

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