Regan: 3 years old
She just turned 3 and I swear the night it happened she instantly became a typical 3-year-old little girl and can't stop talking about princesses and fairies. Today Matt said they were going to the library to pick out some movies and she came and told me she wanted Tangled, Cinderella, and Snow White because they are princesses. She is also getting very witty and even more hilarious with the things that come out of her mouth. A few "Reganisms" as of late:
On our way home from the mall we asked her if she had fun. "Nooo (in a sad voice)..... but tomorrow when we go back I will have fun"
I was pumping this morning right after a feeding and Regan asked what I was doing and why, I told her that Raylan didn't want to eat anymore so I needed to pump the milk out. She thought about that for a second and then looked at me very seriously and said "I'm sorry he doesn't want anymore, baby, but you can figure it out"
We told Regan it was time for a nap after she finished her lunch. She went on and on about what she could do instead and at the end of her (very convincing) speech she said "does that sound like a great plan?" in a tone to mimic one we would use while trying to convince her to do something.
One night when Matt came home from school she looked at him and said "what are you doin' here?"
I wish I could type the way she talks, but it is nearly impossible. She can't pronounce her l's so little comes out "wittle" and Alexis is "Awexis" or "Wexi." She has always struggled with the word "dessert" and it comes out "de-dirt" or just "dirt." She still loves to dance and be the center of attention. Anytime she gets in trouble she instantly acts like she has been offended in the worst way and throws a mini fit, even if I say something as simple as "Regan, please let go of your sister." She hates going to sleep and always has an excuse to delay it a little while longer. She was taking a 2 hour nap every day still until this week. She doesn't sleep anymore but if we tell her she has to take a nap she will go in her room and play quietly until Alexis wakes up. She is a great big sister and is always looking out for her little sister and brother.
Alexis: 16 months old
Alexis is really becoming a little person, not a baby anymore. She is so observant and picks up on things I didn't even know she was paying attention to. She loves to do whatever we are doing like putting on lotion, brushing her teeth, and holding the baby. She is constantly looking for food and gets REALLY cranky when she is hungry, but luckily she is not nearly as picky as Regan. She has gotten very good at walking in the past couple weeks and loves to walk everywhere she can. She knows where her nose, mouth, belly button and sometimes hair and eyes are when asked. Words she can say: hi (her favorite, she says it a thousand times a day) uh-oh, mama, thank you, peek-a-boo, cheese, hello and she signs eat, all-done and more. She loves anything electronic and stops to flash a smile and say cheese whenever a phone or camera is pointed at her. She will also hold phones and iPods to her ear and say hello and babble. Some of her favorite things: peek-a-boo, pat-a-cake, snuggling, kisses, electronics, food (especially any and all fruit), being out of the house, being chased and tickled, walking, music, her brother and sister. She takes a 1 to 2 hour nap but it has to be timed right. If she takes a 5 minute nap in the car at any time of day she will not take another real nap at home.
Raylan: 5 weeks old
Raylan is a sweet and snuggly newborn. He still eats every 2 to 2 1/2 hours around the clock, sometimes more often but with an occasional 3 hour stretch. He was only itty-bitty for about a week, he's put on weight very quickly and is becoming a solid and chunky baby, which is drastically different than the girls were. He still sleeps a ton during the day and does pretty good sleeping on his own without being held. He will take a binki sometimes which is nice and he loves being in the moby wrap. He has reflux like Regan did and has soaked me many times. He's also peed and pooped on me a few times, so fun! The little man is also super loud and grunts constantly even when he's sleeping.
That was probably way too detailed and lengthy but I am not talented at being concise. They are changing and growing so fast, I know I will forget all of this if I don't record it!
That picture of Alexis looks just like Matty's baby pics! And I'm not usually good at telling who kid's look like...
I read all of it and loved it! I love writing about how our kids grow and change because I just know someday down the road I'll think, "Remember when so-and-so was this old? How crazy was he/she!"
your kids are all so darling. you have been blessed with wonderful children!
You have some of the cutest kids I have ever seen! I especially love hearing the things your three your old says :)
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